Mary, Help of Christians
954 N. Maple Ave, Fairborn OH 45324

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Unconditional service, hospitality, stewardship, and gratitude.

St. Vincent de Paul Dayton

For adults and families in the Miami Valley who are on the brink of becoming homeless or who are already homeless, St Vincent de Paul – District Council of Dayton, through its Conferences (chapters) and Special Works, provides person-to-person emergency assistance and supportive services to those living in the Montgomery County and surrounding communities.

To assist our neighbors in a variety of ways, the Dayton District of St. Vincent de Paul offers ongoing support through various ministries.

You helped a family heal and reunite – now they continue to flourish together.

In the last three years, Sam and Ryan have worked hard to regain custody of their twin boys. The couple found the support they needed at their new home in St. Vincent de Paul’s supportive housing community. “This place has been absolutely crucial to getting us to where we are today,” Ryan insists. “They gave us a place to recover, a place to have our boys.”
“Not having my boys really stressed me out,” Sam says. “Not having your own kids is a weird, empty feeling. I was constantly stressed and worried about them, getting them back.” St. Vincent staff were incredibly supportive in helping Sam and Ryan take the steps needed to regain custody of their boys.
“They supported us by accompanying us to court hearings for our boys, setting us up in their offices for virtual court hearings, writing letters to the judge on our behalf to show the progress we have made, and helping us find resources we didn’t know about in the community,” Sam explains. “They are available to listen and talk when we are having a hard time.”
Today the twins are four years old. Sam says now that they are all together again, “They have blossomed. They are doing great. Riley has an amazing sense of humor. Levi is so smart. I am really proud of them.” Ryan adds, “It is awesome seeing them develop their own personalities.”
Thank you for your continued support of families and individuals who find the help they need at St. Vincent de Paul! You continue to help families heal and grow every day.


logoThe Society of St Vincent de Paul... a Catholic charitable organization dedicated to the service of the poor regardless of personal beliefs, was founded by Blessed Antoine Frederic Ozanan in 1833 in the slums of Paris. The society came to the Untied States in 1845 to St. Louis where the first Conference was formed. Here at MHC we are dedicated to helping those in our community in need of assistance. We are always looking for people who feel called to help with this ministry. Along with providing assistance to the needy we are also aware of the spiritual needs of our members. Time is spent at meetings in reflection to remind us of why we are doing what we do and helping us to see Christ in our Clients.

Meeting the Need

SVdP shelter case managers were able to locate a place in Fairborn Senior Apartments for an 87-year-old woman who had been in shelter for nearly a year. Our Conference met with her shortly after she moved in and were able to provide contacts, advice, food, furniture, and household items to enable her to set up housekeeping in her own place. She is now receiving Meals on Wheels, being signed up for Medicaid and provided rental assistance by Greene Met housing.

In another instance, our Conference furniture lead placed two lift chairs in neighbors’ apartments. Even though they were not working 100%, he was able to reach out to a retired furniture store person who was able to return these two lift chairs to good working order. This is an example of our faith in action and God’s grace meeting the need through the efforts of His people.

Opportunities to get involved

We are looking for people who want to experience the joy of giving back to those in need. We need call takers, delivery people, pantry support, furniture distribution, Panera Bread donation pick up and members who would want to be involved with our Conference.

Call takers are very dedicated volunteers who hear the problems of our neighbors in the community. They listen to those needing help and truly see Christ in each and every person asking for help. These are people who have 2 days to give, consecutively, to take calls, usually every 3 or 4 weeks. Training will be provided and you can do the call taking from your home. St. Vincent has its own computer that travels from call taker to call taker. When we receive a call from one of our neighbors we listen to their concern and try to help them find a solution, they may need utility, rent, furniture or food assistance and we help them if we can. We have guidelines to help determine the amount of financial assistance we can give. We also have our own pantry for food assistance. If you are able, please consider this important ministry and step forward to help our conference make a difference in the lives of individuals and families in our Fairborn community.

Many of our clients are elderly, have no means of transportation or find it difficult to arrange transportation. They are still hungry and need our assistance. Once the “call taker” has taken a request for food the “call taker” calls a delivery volunteer, tells us the need and gives us a phone number and address if necessary. They let us know if the client can come to the pantry or needs delivery. We then call the client and arrange for a time for the pick up or delivery. In just two hours you can reach out to approximately 2 families in our community who need help. Training will be available until you are comfortable by yourself. You can volunteer as just a “pantry person”, or a “delivery person” or both.

If you would like to join us in this ministry and find out more about the spiritualty of the St. Vincent de Paul Society please email Adam Horvath-Smith, President or Jeanne Duell, Vice President.

July 2024 Update

During the month of July we responded to 305 calls for assistance. We assisted 72 families with utilities, medicine, rent/ rent deposits, household goods and furniture. We also provided food for 129 families (253 adults and 212 children).

Fiscal Year Update

Over the course of our last fiscal year (Oct. 2022-Sept. 2023), our 29 conference members helped a total of 5,079 people. We distributed over $48,000 worth of donated goods (food and furniture) from our generous parishioners. Thank you for supporting our work!

Thank You!

St. Vincent de Paul would like to thank the parishioners for their support. Your generosity regarding financial and in-kind donations enables us to continue to provide monetary and food donations month-to-month. For this, we are truely grateful. We are not able to provide this assistance without your committed, generous and faithful support! Thank you!

Society of St. Vincent de Paul U.S.A

The mission of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is “a network of friends, inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need.”

Members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (known as “Vincentians”) are men and women who strive to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to neighbors in need. Our members represent all ages, every race, and all incomes, and all are gifted with awareness that the blessings of time, talent, and treasure are to be shared with neighbors in need.

or Call: 937-878-8353