Mary, Help of Christians
954 N. Maple Ave, Fairborn OH 45324

Welcome to Mary, Help of Christians

Mary, Help of Christians endeavors to live the gospel of Jesus Christ through celebration, service, education and evagelization.

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Join us for Mass

Mass is the central act of worship of the Church. We gather together as a community to celebrate the sacrament of the Eucharist. Mary Help offers weekend and weekday masses.

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Any3 Things Podcast

Fr. Ambrose has launched a podcast for our family of parishes! Any3 Things will talk about what's going on each week, and highlight different staff and events. Click the button below or on the microphone!

Listen Here!

Letter to the Faithful
Regarding Beacons of Light

"We ask our Lord in a special way that our celebrations of the Eucharist truly foster unity, not only in our Families of Parishes, but across our entire archdiocese."

Read it Here

Keeping up with Parish Life

MHC weeekly bulletins are a great way to keep up to date on activities at Mary Help! Information on prayer groups, parish organizations, fundraisers and our many ministries can be found in our weekly bulletin.

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CMA - Catholic Ministries Appeal

The Catholic Ministries Appeal is the annual campaign to support six local ministries that teach, feed, and heal. All 200+ parishes of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati join together to invite participation in this vital appeal.

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Considering Joining MHC? Forms available online.

Special Announcements

Click here to see New Mass times schedule that took effect August 15th

Any3 ThingsAny3 Things Podcast with Fr. Ambrose

Fr. Ambrose has launched a podcast for the St Michael the Archangel Family of Parishes in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Serving Mary, Help of Christians, Sacred Heart, Saint Brigid, Saint Augustine, Saint Luke, and Saint Paul parishes. Fr. Ambrose will talk about Any 3 Things that would be good for us all to know!
You can listen on our podcast website by clicking on the microphone in the banner toward the top of any of the web pages. It's also available on the Amazon Music and PodBean apps.
One of our newer employees, Bethany Hall, joins the show to talk about her role at Sacred Heart, the upcoming feast of St. Michael the Archangel, and the process for hiring an organist for St. Paul.
Check back often for new episodes!

Click here to listen now!

New Confession Translation

The International Commission for English in the Liturgy (ICEL) has published a new translation of the rite for the sacrament of confession. This follows the updated translation of the Mass back in 2011, as well as new versions of the books for baptism and marriage that we've seen in recent years. The new translation will be implemented in two stages: priests can start using it optionally on Ash Wednesday (2/22), and it MUST be used starting Divine Mercy Sunday (4/16). In our family of parishes, the priests will begin using the new translation on Ash Wednesday, but if you go to another priest or another parish for confession, you might hear the old one until Divine Mercy Sunday.

Click here to read complete announcement New Confession Translation.

Beacons of LightBeacons of Light

On July 1, 2022, our Family began Phase 1 of the Beacons of Light pastoral planning process, working towards bringing our 6 parishes together. Information about the work ahead is now available on the Pastoral Planning Pathway website. All are invited to learn more about the planning process, to better understand the work being done in our Family and to learn how you can contribute.

Please visit Planning Pathway website.

CMA 2024Catholic Ministries Appeal 2024 (CMA)

The CMA is our opportunity each year to support the work of six vital ministries all of which operate right here in our archdiocese. Your support will have a meaningful impact on thousands.

Please visit Catholic Ministries Appeal. Thank you!

Bicentennial Books

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati has created two beautiful publications in commemoration of the Bicentennial celebrating 200 years of Faith. The books are available to view after Mass or in the parish office. If you would like to purchase a copy of one or both of these books, please sign the sheets in the gathering space.

  • Treasures of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati $30
  • Seeking the Lord, An Illustrated History of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati (a graphic novel) $15

Ministry Spotlight - How can your gifts serve the community?

MHC Social Actions strives to encourage and enable projects that promote one or more of the social action principles.

Learn More

MHC Green is our environmental justice ministry. If you are interested in gardening, healthy nutrition, landscaping, recycling, energy reduction, spiritual growth via interaction with the natural world, etc. please join us.
Chair - Bob Jurick 937-878-6060

Learn More

All adult parishioners and friends are invited to attend Just Older Youth (JOY). JOY Club meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays from September through June from 1:00PM-3:00PM. Come to enJOY an afternoon of cards, games or bingo along with fellowship and refreshments with your fellow parishioners and friends.
Come feel the JOY! We would love you to join us!

One of the largest Catholic women’s organizations consisting of women from the United States and Canada. Following our motto: Friendship, Unity and Charity, there is opportunity to meet new friends, enhance your spiritual life and minister with love, respect and justice to all humanity.
Regent - Amanda Kempf

This committee handles the planning and preparation for the liturgical decorating of all church areas throughout the year. This includes flowers, banners, altar linens, etc.
Chair - Julie Sewell 937-878-8353

We are Catholic Men who Lead, Serve, Protect and Defend. We share a desire to be better husbands, fathers, sons, neighbors and role models.

If you are interested in helping those in need, serving our parish, growing in faith, please stop by the table this weekend and learn more.

Denise Wetzel leads a session in St. Francis Hall September through May on Tuesdays from 2pm to 4pm.

  • Would you like to gain a deeper understanding of God's Word?
  • Want to share your faith with others in a group setting?
  • Are you a married couple wanting to spend faith-filled time together?

Fall Bible Studies - Even if you haven't been with us for a while, please feel welcome to join us for sessions this Fall. If you know someone who might be interested, please invite them.

See the bulletin or contact the Parish Office for more information.

Needing encouragement or an opportunity to share with other men of faith – men of like mind and heart? Our Men’s Fellowship group gathers in St. Francis Hall on 1st and 3rd Saturdays from 8:00-9:00AM. You will be affirmed and encouraged in your walk with our Lord and be blessed by fellowship with other ‘Men of Faith’.
Contact Tom Boland 937- 469-3267 or JC Kelly 937-572-3100 for more information.

St Vincent De Paul provides food for the hungry and assistance with utilities, medicine, rent, household goods and furniture for the needy. Monetary donations are accepted at the Church doors after Masses on the 3rd Sunday of each month. Non-perishable food and staples may be placed in the baskets at the main entrance of the Church.

Learn More

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (Contact Parish Office)

  • Pre-Catechumenate - An opportunity to discover and discren without a commitment.
  • Catechumenate - Enter into a phase of becoming Catholic.
  • Candidates - Those needing to complete Sacraments or wishing to become Catholic.
  • Mystagogia - Newly baptized adults will often continue to meet for relection monthly/bi-monthly.

The MHC Community Garden grows and harvests crops to support the St. Vincent de Paul and FISH Food Pantries. Many volunteers, including our PSR youth, parishioners and Greene County Master Gardeners work in the MHC Garden. Some of the beautiful flowers in our sanctuary at church in the summer and fall months come from this garden.
Chair Denise Wetzel

Volunteers from our parish make small home repairs and do “round-the-house” projects for our seniors, the widowed, the disabled, and single parents. Services are free, but the homeowner pays for the materials. Anyone good at carpentry, plumbing, electrical work, painting, yard work or general repairs is invited to use their time and talent in this ministry.
Call the Parish Office to request the services of a Handy Helper or to volunteer for this ministry.

It is our mission to create music that will aid the congregation in developing full, conscious, and active participation:

  • when people sing the substantial texts of the Bible and the liturgy
  • when we look upon the whole assembly as the primary singers of the liturgy
  • when we choose music that will deepen their experience of the virtues of God: truth, beauty, and love.

Bible studies, speaker series, online classes, single talks, workshops and bulletin articles are scheduled throughout the year.
Contact the Parish Office for more details


"Do nothing out of selfishness or out of vainglory; rather, humbly regard others as more important than yourselves"

– Phil 2:3

"With You, nothing is lost; You are my hope."

– Pope Francis

"So Naaman went down and plunged into the Jordan seven times, according to the word of the man of God. His flesh became again like the flesh of a little child, and he was clean."

– 2 Kgs 5:14

"Sing a new song to the LORD, for he has done marvelous deeds. His right hand and holy arm have won the victory."

– Ps 98:1

"Then he said to him, 'Stand up and go; your faith has saved you.'"

– Lk 17:19

"Let us ask ourselves: do we, as people of faith, live each day as a burden, or as an act of praise?"

– Pope Francis

or Call: 937-878-8353